Your New Dentist is revolutionizing how the Community thinks about, talks about and experiences dental services.


Your New Dentist is revolutionizing how the Community thinks about, talks about and experiences dental services.

The old story

“Root canal therapy doesn’t work… I wasted a heap of money and ended up having the tooth taken out anyway… I’ll never have another root canal treatment… it’s a waste of time!”

The old story

“Root canal therapy doesn’t work… I wasted a heap of money and ended up having the tooth taken out anyway… I’ll never have another root canal treatment… it’s a waste of time!”

the facts


Most people shudder when they hear the words “Root canal therapy”. There is a lot of mythology around about this treatment.

Root canal therapy can help to save your tooth instead of having it extracted.

Nerve and blood vessels can be found inside your teeth, known as dental pulp, these tissues keep your teeth strong and healthy. When a tooth becomes painful it could be because the pulp has been infected. Nerve (Pulp) death can occur in teeth that have decayed or been traumatized perhaps from an accidental fall.

When the nerve tissue (pulp) becomes inflamed in a tooth, unfortunately there are limited treatment options – either to extract the tooth or carry out a root canal therapy.

the facts


Most people shudder when they hear the words “Root canal therapy”. There is a lot of mythology around about this treatment.

Root canal therapy can help to save your tooth instead of having it extracted.

Nerve and blood vessels can be found inside your teeth, known as dental pulp, these tissues keep your teeth strong and healthy. When a tooth becomes painful it could be because the pulp has been infected. Nerve (Pulp) death can occur in teeth that have decayed or been traumatized perhaps from an accidental fall.

When the nerve tissue (pulp) becomes inflamed in a tooth, unfortunately there are limited treatment options – either to extract the tooth or carry out a root canal therapy.


Restoration matters.

At YND we are committed to ‘work that works’… we will assess whether your tooth can be restored BEFORE proceeding with treatment.

Unfortunately, some teeth are so compromised that even Root Canal Therapy is not predictable.

We see RCT as an important investment and if we assess your tooth to be unrestorable we may advise you that removal of your tooth is a better spend of your  money.

Let’s see if we can’t clear up any confusion or concerns you might have about whether RCT is the treatment for you.


Restoration matters.

At YND we are committed to ‘work that works’… we will assess whether your tooth can be restored BEFORE proceeding with treatment.

Unfortunately, some teeth are so compromised that even Root Canal Therapy is not predictable.

We see RCT as an important investment and if we assess your tooth to be unrestorable we may advise you that removal of your tooth is a better spend of your  money.

Let’s see if we can’t clear up any confusion or concerns you might have about whether RCT is the treatment for you.

Your New DentisT is


more than teeth


Your New Dentist is a community of highly experienced and passionate health professionals, commited to rebuilding trust and bridging the divide between Dentistry and the public.


Your New Dentist is a community of highly experienced and passionate health professionals, commited to rebuilding trust and bridging the divide between Dentistry and the public


Your New Dentist – Mooroolbark

124 Manchester Road,
Mooroolbark VIC 3138
(03) 9727 1914

Your New Dentist – Yea

33 High Street,
Yea VIC 3717
(03) 5715 6442