We have received news that the Commonwealth Dental Benefits Scheme (CBDS), which allows eligible children aged 2- 18 years of age to access $1000 worth free dental treatment is potentially going to be axed as of July 1st 2016.
This is a threat to the health of Australian children.
There is a huge amount of research that tells us that the state of a child’s dental health has a big effect on how well they do , on their social skills, self esteem and ultimately their dental and overall health. In the long term, even lifestyle and job prospects can be effected. The long term impact of poor oral health can be unpleasant.
Your child, or children you know may be eligible for dental care. Even by the Governments own admission the scheme itself has been poorly advertised.
In Australia today, Over 50% of all 6 year old have experience tooth decay and more than 24,000 children under the age of 14 were hospitalised for dental treatment in 2013 – 2014 alone.
The CDBS goes along way to preventing these bleak stories for kids becoming a reality. In it’s first two years of operation dentists across Australia delivered over 9.7 million dental services to Australian children.
You can help keep the scheme off the chopping block by signing a petition at
Your New Dentist is committed to being ambassadors for good health in our community and we thank you in advance for your support in keeping the oral health of the young people in our community in focus.
If you would like to know more about the scheme or even find out whether your child is eligible give us a call today.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.